Fraser, Ronald (Angus)

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FRASER, Ronald (Angus)

FRASER, Ronald (Angus). British, b. 1930. Genres: History, Area studies, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Foreign correspondent for Reuters News Agency, 1952-57; editor of New Left Review; writer. Publications: (ed.) Work: Twenty Personal Accounts, Vol. 1, 1968, Vol. 2, 1969; In Hiding: The Life of Manuel Cortes, 1972; Tajos: The Story of a Village on the Costa del Sol (in U.K. as The Pueblo: A Mountain Village on the Costa del Sol), 1973; Blood of Spain: An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War (in U.K. as Blood of Spain: The Experience of Civil War, 1936-1939), 1979; (with P. Broue and P. Vilar) Metodologia historica de la guerra y revolucion espanolas, 1980; In Search of a Past: The Rearing of an English Gentleman, 1933-1945 (in U.K. as In Search of a Past: The Manor House, Amnersfield, 1933-1945), 1984; (with others) Nineteen Sixty-eight: A Student Generation in Revolt, 1988. Address: c/o Tessa Sayle, 11 Jubilee Pl, London SW3, England.

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