Frankenberg, Dirk

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FRANKENBERG, Dirk. American, b. 1937. Genres: Marine sciences/Oceanography. Career: University of Georgia, Athens, assistant professor to professor of zoology, 1962-74; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, professor of marine sciences and division director, 1974-. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, program director, 1970, 1978-80; National Academy of Sciences, member of Ocean Sciences Board and Board on Science and Technology for International Development. Publications: (with R.J. Menzies) Handbook on the Common Marine Isopod Crustacea of Georgia, c. 1966; The Nature of the Outer Banks: Environmental Processes, Field Sites, and Development Issues, Corolla to Ocracoke, 1995; The Nature of North Carolina's Southern Coast: Barrier Islands, Coastal Waters, and Wetlands, 1997; Estuarine Interactions, in press. Address: Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, U.S.A. Online address:

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