Frajlich(-Zajac), Anna
FRAJLICH(-ZAJAC), Anna. American (born U.S.S.R.), b. 1942. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Associate editor of a magazine for the blind, Warsaw, Poland, 1965-69; State University of New York at Stony Brook, instructor in Polish, 1970-71; Kimbell Research Institute, NYC, research assistant in epidemiology, 1971-75; New York University, NYC, instructor in Polish, 1977; freelance writer and broadcaster, 1977-81; Columbia University, NYC, lecturer to adjunct associate professor of Polish language and literature, 1982-. Interviewer for Radio Free Europe, 1977-81. Publications: POETRY: Aby wiatr namalować (title means: To Paint the Wind), 1976; Tylko ziemia (title means: Just Earth), 1979; Indian Summer, 1982; Który las (title means: Which Forest), 1986; Drzewo za oknem (title means: The Tree behind the Window), 1991; Between Dawn and the Wind: Selected Poetry (bilingual in Polish and English), trans. R. Grol-Prokopczyk, 1991; Ogrodem i ogrodzeniem (title means: The Garden and the Fence), 1993; Jeszcze w drodze (title means: Still on Its Way), 1994; W slońcu listopada (title means: In November's Sunshine), 2000; Wsrebrnym lustrze (title means: In the Silver Mirror). OTHER: Living Language: Fast and Easy Polish (booklet and tape recording), 1992; (ed.) Between Lvov New York and Ulysses' Ithaca: Józef Wittlin-Poet, Essayist, Novelist, 2001. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to books. Contributor of poetry, articles and reviews to periodicals and literary magazines in the US and abroad. Address: Department of Slavic Languages, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A. Online address: