Fraenkel, Jack R.
FRAENKEL, Jack R. American, b. 1932. Genres: Criminology/True Crime, Education. Career: Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, since 1971, and Director of the Research and Development Center since 1987, San Francisco State University (Associate Professor, 1966-71). Series Ed., Inquiry into Crucial American Problems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, since 1970, and Crucial Issues in American Government, Allyn & Bacon Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. Publications: (ed.) The U.S. War with Spain 1898: Was Expansionism Justified?, 1969; (ed. with R.E. Gross and W. McPhie) Teaching the Social Studies: What, Why and How, 1969; Crime and Criminals, 1970; (with B. Reardon and M. Carter) Peacekeeping, 1970; (with H. Taba, A. McNaughton and M. Durkin) Teacher's Handbook to Elementary Social Studies, 1971; Helping Students Think and Value, 1973; (with B. Reardon and M. Carter) Human Rights: A Study of Values, 1974; How to Teach About Values: An Analytic Approach, 1977; Decision-Making in American Government, 1983; Civics, 1983; Toward Improving Research in Social Studies Education, 1988; How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 1990, rev. ed., 2000; Educational Research: A Guide to the Process, 1991, rev. ed., 2001. Address: College of Education, San Francisco State University, Research & Development Center, Burk Hall 522, San Francisco, CA 94132, U.S.A. Online address: