Forte, Maurizio

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FORTE, Maurizio

FORTE, Maurizio. Italian, b. 1961. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities. Career: Archeologist, editor, and writer. Bologna University, Bologna, Italy, laurea in ancient history, 1985-; ICARUS Project, tutor; National Research Council, Italy, researcher; involved with multimedia, computer graphics, and virtual reality computer applications in relation to archaeology. Publications: Le terrecotte ornamentali dei templi lumensi: Catalogo delle terrecotte architettoniche a stampo conservate al Museo archeologico nazionale di Firenze, 1991; (with P. von Eles) La pianura bolognese nel villanviano: Insediamenti della prima eta del ferro, 1994; (with others; and editor with A. Siliotti) Virtual Archeology: Re-Creating Ancient Worlds, trans. by J. Toms and R. Skeates, 1997. Author of museum catalogues. Address: c/o Harry N. Abrams Inc., 100 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011, U.S.A. Online address:

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