Forker, Charles R(ush)
FORKER, Charles R(ush)
FORKER, Charles R(ush). American, b. 1927. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Poetry, Literary criticism and history, Theatre, Bibliography. Career: University of Wisconsin-Madison, instructor in English, 1957-59; Indiana University-Bloomington, instructor, 1959-61, assistant professor, 1961-65, associate professor, 1965-68, professor of English, 1968-. Visiting professor at University of Michigan, 1969-70, Dartmouth College, 1982-83, and Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, 1989. Publications: (with D.G. Calder) Edward Phillips's History of the Literature of England and Scotland: A Translation from the Compendiosa Enumeratio Poetarum with an Introduction and Commentary (monograph), 1973; (with J. Candido) Henry V: An Annotated Bibliography, 1983; Skull beneath the Skin: The Achievement of John Webster, 1986; Fancy's Images: Contexts, Settings, and Perspectives in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, 1990. EDITOR: (and author of intro. and commentary) J. Shirley, The Cardinal, 1964; W. Shakespeare, Henry V, 1971; (assoc.) Visions and Voices of the New Midwest, 1978; C. Marlowe, Edward II, 1994; Richard II: The Critical Tradition, 1998; Richard the Second, 2002. Address: Department of English, Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A. Online address: