Follett, CB

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FOLLETT, CB. American, b. 1936. Genres: Poetry. Career: Poet. Peaceable Kingdom (manufacturer and distributor of sculpted animal ceramic jewelry), creator, owner, business manager, and designer, 1973-94; artist with group and solo shows throughout California; work represented in galleries. Worked as copy editor and proofreader for Cunningham & Walsh (advertising agency), McCann Erickson (public relations firm), International Business Relations, San Francisco, CA, and Stanford University. Publications: The Latitudes of Their Going (poems), 1993; Gathering the Mountains (poems), 1995; Bull Kelp, 1995; Nightmare Fish, 1997; Arms, 1997; Vallon-Pont'Arc, 1998; Visible Bones (poems), 1998; At the Turning of the Light (poems), 2001. EDITOR: Beside the Sleeping Maiden: Poets of Marin, 1997; Grrrrr: A Collection of Poems about Bears, 2000; (co) Runes: A Review of Poetry (annual), 2002-. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of poems to magazines. Address: PO Box 401, Sausalito, CA 94966, U.S.A. Online address: