Foley, Jack

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FOLEY, Jack. American, b. 1940. Genres: Poetry. Career: Poet, writer, editor, and radio personality. Homemaker, c. 1974-85; KPFAFM, Berkeley, CA, host and executive producer-in-charge of poetry program, 1988-; Poetry USA, Oakland, CA, editor-in-chief, 1990-95; Poetry Flash, contributing editor, 1992-. Poetry: San Francisco, guest editor, winter 1988-89; Djerassi Program, resident artist, 1994. Worked briefly in Western Union telegraph office as young man. Performer of poetry with wife Adelle. Publications: POETRY: Letters/Lights-Words for Adelle, 1987; Gershwin, 1991; hypertext ed., 1995; Adrift, 1993; Exiles, 1996. Contributor of poetry to journals. PROSE: Inciting Joy (monograph), 1993; "O Her Blackness Sparkles!" The Life and Times of the Batman Art Gallery, 1960-65, 1995. Contributor to anthologies. Contributor of literary criticism and reviews to journals. Contributor of film criticism to periodicals. Contributor of art criticism to periodicals. RECORDINGS: Three Talkers, 1988; Adrift (audiotape version), 1992; Lou Harrison: A Birthday Celebration, 1994. Address: 2569 Maxwell Ave., Oakland, CA 94601, U.S.A. Online address: