Flores, Ivan
FLORES, Ivan. American, b. 1923. Genres: Information science/Computers. Career: President, Flores Assocs., 1960-; Pace Institute, Adjunct Professor of Information Systems, 1997-; New Jersey Institute of Technology, Professor of Computer Information Systems, 1994-; Professor of Statistics and Computer Information Science, 1968-90, Baruch College, City University of New York. Ed., Modern Data, 1968-, and Journal of Computer Languages, since 1973. Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1958-62, and Associate Professor, 1961-63, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York; Ed., Journal of Association for Computing Machinery, 1963-67; Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University, NYC, 1963-64; Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, 1965-67. Publications: Computer Logic, 1960; Logic of Computer Arithmetic, 1963; Computer Software, 1965; Computer Programming, 1966; Computer Design, 1967; Computer Sorting, 1969; Computer Organization, 1969; Data Structure and Management, 1970, 1977; BAL and Assemblers, 1971; JCL and File Definition, 1971; Computer Programming, 1971; The BAL Machine, 1972; OS/MVT, 1973; Peripheral Devices, 1973; Data Base Architecture, 1981; (with C. Terry) Microcomputer Systems, 1982; Word Processing Handbook, 1982; (with A. Seidman) The Handbook of Computers and Computing, 1984; The Professional Microcomputer Handbook, 1986. Address: 441 Redmond Rd, South Orange, NJ 07079, U.S.A. Online address: iflores@erols.com