Fleishman, Lazar

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FLEISHMAN, Lazar. American (born Ukraine), b. 1944. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, senior lecturer, 1974-81, associate professor of comparative literature and Slavic studies, 1981-85; Stanford University, Stanford, CA, professor of Slavic studies, 1985-, chair of department, 1992-94, writer. Visiting professor of Slavic studies at universities in the US, Russia, Latvia, and the Czech Republic. Publications: Stat'i o Pasternake (Essays on Pasternak), 1977; Boris Pasternak v dvadtsatye gody (Boris Pasternak in the '20s), 1981; (with R. Hughes and O. Raevsky) Russkii Berlin, 1921-1923 (Russian Berlin), 1983; Boris Pasternak v tridtsatye gody (Boris Pasternak in the '30s), 1984; Poetry and Revolution in Russia, 1905-1930: An Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts, 1989; Boris Pasternak: The Poet and His Politics, 1990; Materialy po istorii russkoi i svoetskoi kul'tury: Iz arkhiva Guverovskogo Instituta (From the History of Russian and Soviet Culture: Out of the Hoover Institution Archives), 1992; (with H.B. Harder S. Dorzweiler) Boris Pasternak's Lehrjahre, 1996; (with I. Abyzov and B. Ravdin) Russkaia pechat' v Rige (Russian Press in Riga, vols. 1-5), 1997. Address: Slavic Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. Online address: hf.lsf@forsythe.stanford.edu

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