Fischer, Lucy Rose

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FISCHER, Lucy Rose

FISCHER, Lucy Rose. American, b. 1944. Genres: Gerontology/Senior issues, Human relations/Parenting, Medicine/Health, Psychology, Sociology. Career: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, assistant professor of sociology, 1979-87; St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, associate professor, 1987-89; Wilder Research Center, St. Paul, MN, senior research scientist, 1989-92; HealthPartners Research Foundation, senior investigator, 1992-; writer, artist. Research consultant for several nonprofit organizations. Midwest Council for Social Research on Aging, newsletter editor; Healthy Outcomes, editor. Publications: Linked Lives: Adult Daughters and Their Mothers, 1986; (with D.P. Mueller, P.W. Cooper, and R.A. Chase) Older Minnesotans: What Do They Need? How Do They Contribute?, 1989; (with K. Schaffer) Older Volunteers: Time and Talent, 1993. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 2320 Parklands Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55416, U.S.A. Online address: