First Do No Harm

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First Do No Harm ★★½ 1997 (PG-13)

Wellintentioned but routine TV movie depicts the crisis of the farming Reimuller family when the youngest child, fouryearold Robbie (Adkins), is diagnosed with epilepsy. Their health insurance won't cover Robbie's drug treatment and the bank is about to foreclose on the farm so dad Dave (Ward) takes up truck driving while mom Lori (Streep) tries to hold things together. Dismayed at Robbie's doctors, Lori also pursues an unorthodox treatment for Robbie that involves diet therapy rather than drugs. Director Abraham's own son has his epilepsy controlled by this alternative method. 94m/C VHS, DVD . Meryl Streep, Fred Ward, Seth Adkins, Allison Janney, Michael Yarmush; D: Jim Abrahams; W: Ann Beckett; C: Pierre Letarte. TV

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