Faulkner, Charles Herman

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FAULKNER, Charles Herman

FAULKNER, Charles Herman. American, b. 1937. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Archaeology/Antiquities. Career: St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, instructor of sociology and anthropology, 1963-64; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, assistant professor, 1964-70, associate professor, 1971-76, professor of anthropology, 1976-, distinguished professor of humanities, 1999-. Publications: An Archaeological Survey of Marshall County, Indiana, 1961; (with J. Graham), Excavations in the Nickajack Reservoir, 1965; The Old Stone Fort: Exploring an Archaeological Mystery, 1968; The Late Prehistoric Occupation of Northwestern Indiana, 1972; (with C.R. McCollough) Excavations of the Higgs and Doughty Sites: I-75 Salvage Archaeology, 1973; Introductory Report of the Normandy Reservoir Salvage Project, 1972, 3rd to 6th reports, 1976-78; (with C.K. Buckles) Glimpses of Southern Appalachian Folk Culture: Papers in Memory of Norbert F. Riedl, 1978; (with G.W. Kline and G.D. Crites) The McFarland Project: Early Middle Woodland Settlement and Subsistence in the Upper Duck River Valley in Tennnessee, 1982. EDITOR: The Prehistoric Native American Art of Mud Glyph Cave, 1986; The Bat Creek Stone, 1992; (with A. Young) Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Ohio Valley Urban and Historic Archaeology, 1993; Rock Art of the Eastern Woodlands, 1996. Address: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, 252 S Stadium Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996, U.S.A. Online address: cfaulkne@utk.edu