Fassett, John D.
FASSETT, John D. American, b. 1926. Genres: History, Autobiography/Memoirs, Biography. Career: US Supreme Court, Washington, DC, law clerk, 1954-55; Yale University, New Haven, CT, lecturer, 1955-56; Wiggin and Dana, New Haven, partner, 1954-73; United Illuminating Co., New Haven, president and chair of board, 1973-85; associated with many commissions and boards in New England. Publications: United Illuminating: History of an Electric Company (corporate history), 1990; New Deal Justice: The Life of Stanley Reed of Kentucky (biography), 1994; The Shaping Years: A Memoir of My Youth and Education (autobiography), 2000. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 2600 Croasdaile Farm Pkwy Apt 354, Durham, NC 27705, U.S.A. Online address: jdfass@highstream.net