Farrington, David P.

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FARRINGTON, David P. British, b. 1944. Genres: Criminology/True Crime. Career: Cambridge University, England, professor of psychological criminology, 1969-. Publications: (with D.J. West) Who Becomes Delinquent?, 1973; (with D.J. West) The Delinquent Way of Life, 1977; (with L. Ohlin and J.Q. Wilson) Understanding and Controlling Crime, 1986; (with M. Tonry and L.E. Ohlin) Human Development and Criminal Behavior, 1991; (with R. Loeber, M. Stouthamer-Loeber, and W.B. Van Kammen) Antisocial Behavior and Mental Health Problems, 1998; (with E.G. Cohn and R.A. Wright) Evaluating Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1998. EDITOR: (with K. Hawkins and S. Lloyd-Bostock) Psychology, Law and Legal Processes, 1979; (with J. Gunn) Abnormal Offenders, Delinquency and the Criminal Justice System, 1982; (with J. Gunn) Reactions to Crime, 1985; (with J. Gunn) Aggression and Dangerousness, 1985; (with R. Tarling) Prediction in Criminology, 1985; (with S. Walklate) Offenders and Victims, 1992; (with R.J. Sampson and P.O.H. Wikstrom) Integrating Individual and Ecological Aspects of Crime, 1993; Psychological Explanations of Crime, 1994; (with M. Tonry) Building a Safer Society, 1995; (with A. Raine, P.A. Brennan, and S.A. Mednick) Biosocial Bases of Violence, 1997; (with R. Loeber) Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders, 1998; (with B.C. Welsh and L.W. Sherman) Costs and Benefits of Preventing Crime, 2001; (with R. Loeber) Child Delinquents, 2001; (with G.A. Bernfeld and A.W. Leschied) Offender Rehabilitation in Practice; (with C.R. Hollin and M. McMurran) Sex and Violence, 2001; (with L.W. Sherman, B.C. Welsh, and D.L. Mackenzie) Evidence-Based Crime Prevention, 2002. Address: Institute of Criminology, 7 West Rd., Cambridge CB3 9DT, England.

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