Evans, James Allan S.

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EVANS, James Allan S.

EVANS, James Allan S. Canadian, b. 1931. Genres: Classics, History, Writing/Journalism. Career: McMaster University, professor of history, 1962-72; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, professor of classics, 1972-96, head of dept., 1986-93, professor emeritus, 1996-. Commentator, literary editor, 1967-71; Vergilius, editor, 1963-73; Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, editor, 1978-; Association of Ancient Historians Newsletters, editor, 1979-82. University of Washington, visiting professor of history, 1997; American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Whitehead Visiting Professor, 1998-99. Royal Society of Canada, fellow, 1992. Publications: Social and Economic History of an Egyptian Temple in Greco-Roman Egypt, 1961; Procopius, 1972; (ed.) Polis and Imperium: Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon, 1974; Herodotus, 1982; Herodotus, Explorer of the Past: Three Essays, 1991; The Age of Justinian: The Circumstances of Imperial Power, 1996; The Empress Theodora, 2002; The Power Game in Byzantium, 2003. Address: 721 Wilkes Rd, Dept. of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5. Online address: jaevans@interchange.ubc.ca