Erwin, Douglas H.

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ERWIN, Douglas H.

ERWIN, Douglas H. American, b. 1958. Genres: Earth sciences. Career: Michigan State University, East Lansing, assistant professor, 1985-90, associate professor of geology, 1990; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, research paleobiologist, 1990-, associate curator, 1990-93, curator of paleobiology, 1993-. International Geological Correlation Program, coleader of project on biotic recoveries from mass extinctions, 199397. Publications: The Great Paleozoic Crisis: Life and Death in the Permian, 1993; (with D.E.G. Briggs and F. Collier) The Fossils of the Burgess Shale, 1994. EDITOR: (with R.L. Anstey) New Approaches to Speciation in the Fossil Record, 1995; (with D. Jablonski and J. Lipps) Evolutionary Paleobiology: Essays in Honor of James W. Valentine, 1996. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to scientific journals. Address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. Online address: