Erikson, Robert
ERIKSON, Robert. Swedish, b. 1938. Genres: Sociology. Career: Stockholm University, Sweden, Department of Sociology, professor, 1981-; Swedish Institute for Social Research, 1986-. Publications: (with J.H. Goldthorpe) The Constant Flux: A Case Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societies, 1992. EDITOR: (with R. Aberg) Valfard i forandring: levnadsvillkor i Sverige 19681981, c. 1984, trans. as Welfare in Transition: A Survey of Living Conditions in Sweden, 1968-1981, 1987; (with others) The Scandinavian Model: Welfare States and Welfare Research, 1987; (with others) Welfare Trends in the Scandianian Countries, 1993; (with J.O. Jonsson) Can Education Be Equalized?: The Swedish Case in Comparative Perspective, 1996. Address: Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, Box 2220, S-10315 Stockholm, Sweden. Online address: