Emery, Tom

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EMERY, Tom. American, b. 1971. Genres: History, Biography. Career: Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL, sports information director, 1993-94; Monterey Coal Co., journalist, 1994-95; Macoupin County Enquirer, Carlinville, reporter, 1994-96; History in Print, Carlinville, owner and general manager, 1997-. Publications: Richard Rowett: Thoroughbreds, Beagles, and the Civil War, 1997; The Other John Logan: Col. John Logan and the 32nd Illinois, 1998; The Beagle: Its Beginnings in America, 2000; Hold the Fort: The Battle of Allatoona Pass, 2001; Eddie: Lincoln's Forgotten Son, 2002; Gustave Loehr: Rotary's Forgotten Founder, 2003. Address: Carlinville, IL 62626, U.S.A. Online address: tomemery11@yahoo.com

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