Egan, Ferol
EGAN, Ferol
EGAN, Ferol. American, b. 1923. Genres: Novels, History, Biography. Career: Writer, three-time Commonwealth Medal winner for: The El Dorado Trial, Sand In a Whirlwind, and Fremont: Explorer for a Restless Nation; and Fremont Award for contributions to the history of the American Frontier West. Publications: The El Dorado Trail: The Story of the Gold Rush Routes Across Mexico, 1970; Sand in a Whirlwind: The Paiute Indian War of 1860, 1972; Fremont: Explorer for a Restless Nation, 1977; The Taste of Time, 1977; Last Bonanza Kings: The Bourns of San Francisco, 1998. EDITOR: Incidents of Travel in New Mexico, 1969; A Sailor's Sketch of the Sacramento Valley in 1842, 1971; California, Land of Gold, or, Stay At Home and Work Hard, 1971; A Dangerous Journey, 1972; Overland Journey to Carson Valley and California, 1973; Across the Rockies with Fremont, 1975. Address: 1199 Grizzly Peak Blvd, Berkeley, CA 94708, U.S.A.