Duder, Tessa
DUDER, Tessa
DUDER, Tessa. New Zealander, b. 1940. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Plays/Screenplays, Marine sciences/Oceanography. Career: Spirit of Adventure Trust, Auckland, 1986-; Children's Literature Foundation of New Zealand, 1991-; Waikato University, writer-in-residence, 1991; NZ Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc.), national president, 1996-98; Meridian Energy Katherine Mansfield Fellowship to Merton, France, 2003. Publications: Kawau, 1980; Night Race to Kawau, 1982; The Book of Auckland, 1985; Spirit of Adventure, 1985; Jellybean, 1985; Play It Again, Sam, 1987; Dragons, 1987; Alex, 1988; Simply Messing about in Boats, 1988; Waitemata: Harbour of Sail, 1989; Alex in Winter, 1989; Alessandra: Alex in Rome, 1990; Songs for Alex, 1992; The Making of Alex: The Movie, 1993; (with M. Baynton) The Warrior Virgin (play), 1995; Mercury Beach, 1997; The Tiggie Tompson Show, 1999;(with W. Taylor) Hot Mail, 2000; Tiggie Tompson All at Sea, 2001; Tiggie Tompson's Longest Journey, 2003. EDITOR: Nearly Seventeen, 1993; Crossings, 1995; Falling in Love, 1995; A Book of Pacific Lullabies, 1998; Salt beneath the Skin, 1999; Seduced by the Sea, 2002; Spirit of Youth, 2003; Storylines, 2003. Address: 2/126 Selwyn Ave, Mission Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. Online address: tessa.duder@ihug.co.nz