Drewes, Athena A.

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DREWES, Athena A.

DREWES, Athena A. American, b. 1948. Genres: Psychology, Bibliography. Career: Maimonides Hospital, Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics, research assistant, 1969-75; Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, NYC, Child Development Center, play therapist and psychometrician, 1974-82; Child Study Center, Goshen, NY, play therapist and psychometrician, 1982-85; Warwick Special Education Preschool, Warwick, NY, play therapist and psychometrician, 1985-91; Astor Home for Children, Rhinebeck, NY, senior psychologist/clinical coordinator, 1992-. Guest on radio talk shows. Publications: (with S.A. Drucker) Parapsychological Research with Children: An Annotated Bibliography, 1991. Contributor to psychology journals and newspapers. Address: Astor Home for Children, 6339 Mill St, PO Box 5005, Rhinebeck, NY 12572, U.S.A. Online address: jimbridg@frontiernet.net

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