Donnithorne, Audrey Gladys

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DONNITHORNE, Audrey Gladys

DONNITHORNE, Audrey Gladys. (Dong Yu-de). British/Australian (born China), b. 1922. Genres: Economics. Career: Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1985-. Research Assistant, 1948-51, Lecturer in Political Economy, 1951-66, and Reader in Chinese Economic Studies, 1966-68, University College, University of London; Professorial Fellow, 1969-85, and Foundation Head, Contemporary China Centre, 1970-77, Australian National University, Canberra; Director, AITECE Ltd., Hong Kong, 1988-2000. Publications: (with G.C. Allen) Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development: China and Japan, 1954; (with G.C. Allen) Western Enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya, 1957; British Rubber Manufacturing, 1958; China's Economic System, 1967; China's Grain: Output, Procurement, Transfers and Trade, 1970; The Budget and the Plan in China: Central-Local Economic Relations, 1972; Centre-Provincial Economic Relations in China, 1981. Address: Flat A3, 18th Fl, Kingsfield Tower, 73 Bonham Rd, Hong Kong. Online address:

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Donnithorne, Audrey Gladys

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