Djwa, Sandra (Ann)

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DJWA, Sandra (Ann)

DJWA, Sandra (Ann). Canadian, b. 1939. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history, Biography, Essays. Career: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, professor of English, 1980-, chairwoman of English department, 1986-94, member of board of governors, 1990-95. Publications: E.J. Pratt: The Evolutionary Vision, 1974; (with M.G. Flitton) An Inventory of Research-in-Progress and Suggested Research Projects in English-Canadian Literature, 1978-1979, 1979; The Politics of the Imagination: A Life of F.R. Scott, 1987; F.R. Scott and His Works, 1989; F.R. Scott: Une Vie, 2001; Professing English: A Life of Roy Daniells, 2001. EDITOR: (and author of intro.) Charles Heavysege, Saul and Selected Poetry of Charles Heavysege, 1976; (with R. St. J. Macdonald) On F.R. Scott: Essays on His Contributions to Law, Literature, and Politics, 1983; (with R.G. Moyles) E.J. Pratt: Complete Poems, 2 vols, 1989; Giving Canada a Literary History: A Memoir by Carl F. Klinck, 1991. Address: Department of English, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6. Online address:

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