Divine, Robert A(lexander)
DIVINE, Robert A(lexander)
DIVINE, Robert A(lexander). American, b. 1929. Genres: History. Career: George W. Littlefield Professor Emeritus in American History, University of Texas at Austin, 1996- (Instructor, 1954-57; Assistant Professor, 1957-61; Associate Professor, 1961-63; Professor of History, 1963-80; Littlefield Professor, 1981-96). Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, 1962-63. Publications: American Immigration Policy 1924-52, 1957; The Illusion of Neutrality, 1962; The Reluctant Belligerent, 1965; Second Chance, 1967; Roosevelt and World War II, 1969; Foreign Policy and U.S. Presidential Elections 1940-1960, 2 vols., 1974; Blowing on the Wind, 1978; Eisenhower and the Cold War, 1981; (with T.H. Breen, G.M. Frederickson and R.H. Williams) America: Past and Present, 1984, 6th ed., 2002; The Sputnik Challenge, 1993; Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, 2000. EDITOR: American Foreign Policy, 1960; The Age of Insecurity, 1968; (with J.A. Garraty) Twentieth Century America, 1968; Causes and Consequences of World War II, 1969; American Foreign Policy since 1945, 1969; The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1971; Exploring the Johnson Years, 1981; The Johnson Years, vol. 2, 1987, vol. 3, 1994. Address: Dept of History, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, U.S.A. Online address: divine@austin.rr.com