Digregorio, Mario J.

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DIGREGORIO, Mario J. American. Genres: Horticulture. Career: U.S. Government, park ranger for National Park Service (in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Colorado) and park resource manager for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (in Massachusetts and Illinois), 1976-86; Town of Brewster, MA, municipal conservation administrator, 1986-88; Sabatia Inc. (environmental consultants), Hatchville, MA, professional wetland scientist and botanist, 1983-. New England Plant Conservation Program, member of Endangered Species Task Force; Commonwealth of Massachusetts, consulting ecologist and rare plant specialist for Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program; expert witness in superior, district, and land courts on issues related to wetlands and wildlife. Publications: (with J. Wallner) Wildflowers of the Cape Cod Canal: An Annotated Checklist, 1985; (with Wallner) A Vanishing Heritage: Cape Cod's Wildflowers, 1989; (coauthor) A Guide to the Natural History of Cape Cod and the Islands, 1990; (with Wallner) New England's Mountain Flowers: A High Country Heritage, 1997. Author of natural history booklets. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 107 Goeletta Dr., Hatchville, MA 02536, U.S.A. Online address: sabatia@aol.com

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