Devito, Joseph
DEVITO, Joseph
DEVITO, Joseph. American, b. 1938. Genres: Communications/Media, Speech/Rhetoric. Career: Queens College of City University of New York, professor, 1972-85; Hunter College of City University of New York, professor, from 1985, now professor emeritus. Publications: The Psychology of Speech and Language, 1970; General Semantics, 1971; Psycholinguistics, 1971; The Interpersonal Communication Book, 1976, 10th ed., 2004; Human Communication: The Basic Course, 1978, 9th ed., 2003; Elements of Public Speaking, 1981, 7th ed., 2000; Communication Handbook: A Dictionary, 1986; The Nonverbal Communication Workbook, 1989; Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 1990, 5th ed., 2002; Essentials of Human Communication, 1993, 4th ed., 2002; Studying Communication, 1995; The Interpersonal Challenge III, 1997 Interpersonal Challenge 28, 1995. Interpersonal Challenge 28, 1995; The Essential Elements of Public Speaking, 2003. EDITOR: Communication, 1971, 3rd ed., 1981; Language, 1973; The Nonverbal Communication Reader, 1990. Address: 140 Nassau St, New York, NY 10038, U.S.A. Online address:;