Deutscher, Irwin
DEUTSCHER, Irwin. American, b. 1923. Genres: Sociology. Career: Community Studies Inc., Kansas City, MO, Director of Research in Health and Welfare, 1954-59; Syracuse University, NY, Director, Youth Development Center, and professor of Sociology, 1959-68; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, professor of Sociology, 1968-75; University of Akron, OH, professor, 1975-83, professor Emeritus of Sociology, 1983-. Publications: (with E.C. and H.M. Hughes) Twenty Thousand Nurses Tell Their Story, 1958; (ed. with E.J. Thompson) Among the People: Encounters with the Poor, 1968; What We Say/What We Do: Sentiments and Acts, 1973; (with F.P. & H.F. Pestello), Sentiments & Acts, 1993; Making a Difference: The Practice of Sociology, 1999. Address: 4740 Connecticut Ave NW No 1007, Washington, DC 20008, U.S.A. Online address: