Delano, Anthony

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DELANO, Anthony

DELANO, Anthony. British (born Australia), b. 1930. Genres: Novels, Education, Writing/Journalism, Documentaries/Reportage. Career: Managing Ed., Daily Mirror, London, 1978-84; Director, Mirror Group, 1984-87 (Rome Correspondent, 1956-60; Paris Correspondent, 1960-63; American Correspondent, 1963-70; London Diary Ed., 1970-74; Roving Correspondent, 1970-74; Chief American Correspondent, 1974-78); Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland, 1989-1992; Visiting Professor in Journalism, London Institute, 2003-. Publications: Breathless Diversions (novel), 1975; Slip-Up (documentary), 1977; Manacled Mormon, 1978; Maxwell, 1988; The News Breed, 1995. Address: 4 Moscow Mansions, 224 Cromwell Rd, London SW5 OSP, England. Online address:

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Delano, Anthony

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