Day the World Ended

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Day the World Ended ★ 1955

The first science-fiction film of exploitation director Roger Corman. Five survivors of nuclear holocaust discover a desert ranch house fortress owned by a survivalist (Birch) and his daughter (Nelson). With relatively abundant supplies, they fatuously wallow in false misery until a disfigured visitor, wasting away from radiation, stumbles into their paradise. His mutation into an alien being confronts them with the horror that lurks outside. 79m/B VHS, DVD . Paul Birch, Lori Nelson, Adele Jergens, Raymond Hatton, Paul Dubov, Richard Denning, Mike Connors, Paul Blaisdell, Jonathan Haze; D: Roger Corman; W: Lou Rusoff; C: Jockey A. Feindel; M: Ronald Stein.

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