Davis, Richard Whitlock

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DAVIS, Richard Whitlock

DAVIS, Richard Whitlock. American, b. 1935. Genres: History, Biography. Career: Professor of History and Director of Center for the History of Freedom, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1973- (Associate Professor, 1969-73; Dept. Chairman, 1974-77). General Ed., The Making of Modern Freedom. Supvr. in History, Christ's College, Cambridge, 1960-62; Instructor, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, 1962-64; Assistant Professor, University of California at Riverside, 1964-69. Distinguished Visiting Professor, Christ's College, Cambridge, England, 1981-82. Publications: Dissent in Politics 1760-1830, 1971; Political Change and Continuity 1760-1885, 1972; Disraeli, 1976; The English Rothschilds, 1983. EDITOR: Religion and Irreligion in Victorian Society, 1992; Lords of Parliament, 1717-1914, 1995; The Origins of Modern Freedom, 1995. Address: 7106 Waterman Ave, St. Louis, MO 63130, U.S.A.

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