Dasgupta, Shamita Das

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DASGUPTA, Shamita Das

DASGUPTA, Shamita Das. American (born India), b. 1949. Genres: Psychology. Career: Franklin University, Columbus, OH, member of adjunct faculty of behavioral sciences, 1982-83; Rutgers University, Newark Campus, Newark, NJ, teacher of psychology and women's studies, 1985-90, director of honors program, 1989-90; Women's Resources of Monroe County, Stroudsburg, PA, executive director, 1990-92; Rutgers University, Newark Campus, lecturer, 1992-95, assistant professor of psychology, 1996-. Kean College of New Jersey, member of adjunct faculty, 1987-90; New School for Social Research, faculty member in Adult Division, 1989-90; lecturer at colleges and universities, including Cornell University, Yale University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Columbia University, and Williams College. Manavi (organization for South Asian women in the United States), cofounder, 1985, coordinator, 1985-; consultant to Health Research and Educational Trust of New Jersey, U.S. Marine Corps, and Bell Laboratories. Publications: (with S. Warrier) In Visible Terms: Domestic Violence in the Asian Indian Context, 1995, rev ed, 1997. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: (with S. DasGupta) The Demon Slayers and Other Stories: Bengali Folk Tales, 1995; A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America, 1998. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: Department of Psychology, Newark Campus, Rutgers University, 101 Warren St., Newark, NJ 07102, U.S.A. Online address: Sddas@andromeda.rutgers.edu

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