Darwish, Adel

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DARWISH, Adel. British (born Egypt), b. 1945. Genres: Politics/Government, Cultural/Ethnic topics, International relations/Current affairs, History, Military/Defense/Arms control, Third World, Area studies, Translations, Writing/Journalism. Career: Freelance writer, 1966-84; Asharq Al-Awsat, London, England, editor, 1984; Independent, London, reporter on foreign affairs, 1986-. Middle East consultant and commentator to television and radio stations and to strategic studies centers, 1988-. Publications: Secret Diplomacy and Islamic Fundamentalism in Egypt, 1983; The Muslim Brotherhood and Britain in the 1950s, 1984; Iraqi Defence Strategy in the Gulf War, 1987; Between the Quill and the Sword: The Political Background to the Satanic Verses Affair, 1989; (with G. Alexander) Unholy Babylon: The Secret History of Saddam's War, 1991; (with J. Bulloch) Water Wars: Coming Conflicts in the Middle East, 1993. Address: The Independent, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14, England. Online address: adeld@mideastnews.com

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