Dalton, Sheila

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DALTON, Sheila

DALTON, Sheila. Canadian (born England). Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Novels, Poetry. Career: Freelance writer and poet, 1982-. Freelance editor and reference librarian. Previous positions include, bartender and art gallery assistant. Publications: Bubblemania (picture book), 1992; Blowing Holes Through the Everyday (poetry), 1993; Tales of the Ex Fire-Eater: A Novel, 1994; Doggerel (picture book), 1996; Catalogue (picture book), 1998; Trial by Fire (young adult), 1998. Address: c/o The Writers' Union of Canada, 40 Wellington Street East Third Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada M5E 1C7. Online address: sagespirit@hotmail.com

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