Dalitz, Richard Henry
DALITZ, Richard Henry
DALITZ, Richard Henry. British (born Australia), b. 1925. Genres: Physics, Biography. Career: Fellow Emeritus, All Souls College, and Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, since 1990 (Fellow and Professor, 1964-90). Reader in Mathematical Physics, University of Birmingham, 1955-56; Professor of Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, 1956-66; Research Professor, The Royal Society, London, 1963-90. Publications: Strange Particles and Strong Interactions, 1962; Nuclear Interactions of the Hyperons, 1965; (co-author) Nuclear Energy Today and Tomorrow, 1971; (co-author) Dr. Paul Dirac: A Biographical Memoir, 1987; (co-author) A Breadth of Physics, 1988; The Collected Works of P.A.M. Dirac 1924-1948, 1995; (co-author) Selected Scientific Papers of Sir Rudolf Peierls, 1997; (co-author) The Foundations of Newtonian Scholarship, 1997. Address: 28 Jack Straw's Lane, Oxford OX3 0DW, England. Online address: r.dalitz@physics.ox.ac.uk