Dale, Rodney A. M.
DALE, Rodney A. M.
DALE, Rodney A. M. British. Genres: Medicine/Health, Music, Mythology/Folklore, Technology, Biography, Reference. Career: Writer & editor. Publications: BIOGRAPHY: Louis Wain: The Man Who Drew Cats, 1968, rev. ed., 1991; Catland, 1977; The Sinclair Story, 1985; (ed.) Walter Wilson: Portrait of an Inventor, 1986; Cats in Books, 1997. TECHNOLOGY: Bridges, 1973; Inland Waterways, 1974; Iron Roads, 1974; From Ram Yard to Milton Hilton: A History of Cambridge Consultants Ltd 1960-1979, 1979; (with J. Gray) Edwardian Inventions 1901-1905, 1979; (with I. Williamson) BASIC Programming, 1979; (co-author) Understanding Microprocessors with the Science of Cambridge MK-14, 1980; The Myth of the Micro, 1980; (ed. and co-author) The Discoveries & Inventions Series for the British Library (Machines in the Home; Early Flying Machines; The Industrial Revolution; Timekeeping; Home Entertainment; Machines in the Office: Early Railways; Early Cars), 1992-94; (with C. Fiddy) The Fern House Design & Technology Pack, 1995. CAREERS: (ed.) Hobsons Engineering Casebook, 1979; (ed.) Hobsons Computing Casebook, 1980; Becoming an Architect, 1983; (ed.) Hobsons Sixth Form Science, Technology and Engineering Casebook, 1985. FOLKLORE: The Tumour in the Whale, 1978; It's True…It Happened to a Friend, 1984. MUSIC: The World of Jazz, 1980; A History of Jazz, 1983; Teach Yourself Jazz, 1997, rev. ed., 2004. COSMOLOGY: (with G. Sassoon): The Manna Machine, 1978; (co-ed.) The Kabbalah Decoded, 1978. OTHER: (ed.) O-level English (textbook), 1982; (with Dr. J. Starkie) Understanding AIDS (medicine), 1988; Puss in Boots (pantomime), 1990, verse, 2001; The Tinder Box (pantomime), 1993; About Time (novel), 1995; (with S. Puttick) The Wordsworth Dictionary of Abbreviations & Acronyms (reference), 1997; Hello, Mrs Fish (humor), 1997; Halcyon Days (autobiography), 1999; The Wordsworth Dictionary of Culinary & Menu Terms (reference), 2000; A Treasury of Love Poems, 2003; A Treasury of Proverbs, 2003. Address: Fern House, 19 High St, Haddenham, Ely, Cambs. CB6 3XA, England. Online address: info@fernhouse.com