Csoori, Sandor

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CSOORI, Sandor

CSOORI, Sandor. Hungarian, b. 1930. Genres: Novels, Plays/Screenplays, Poetry. Career: Staff member of Papai Neplap (Papa Popular News), from 1949; Veszprem Megyei Nepujsag (Veszprem County Popular Newspaper), from 1949; Szabad Ifjusag (Free Youth), from 1952; and Irodalmi Ujsag (Literary News), 1953-54. Uj Hang (New Voice), head of poetry section, 1955-56; Hungarian Film Studio, dramaturge, from 1971. Joined opposition movement, 1980; Hungarian Democratic Forum, founding member, 1987. Publications: POETRY: Felroppen a madar (title means: The Bird Takes Wing), 1954; Ordogpille (title means: Devil's Moth), 1957; Menekules a maganybol (title means: Flight from Solitude), 1962; (with F. Hidas) Szigoru korban elunk (title means: We Live in Harsh Times), 1967; Masodik szuletesem (title means: My Second Birth), 1967; Lekvarcirkusz bohocai (title means: Clowns of a Jam Circus), 1969; Parbeszed, sotetben (title means: Dialogue, in the Dark), 1973; A latogato emlekei (title means: The Memories of a Visitor), 1977; Joslas a te idodrol (title means: Predictions About Your Time), 1979; A tizedik este (title means: The Tenth Evening), 1980; Wings of Knives and Nails, edited and trans. by I.L. Halasz de Beky, 1981; Elmaradt lazalom (title means: Nightmare Postponed), 1982; Varakozas a tavaszban (title means: Waiting in the Spring), 1983; Memory of Snow, trans. N. Kolumban, 1983; Kezemben zold ag (title means: In My Hand a Green Branch), 1985; Labon jaro verofeny (title means: Bright Sunshine on Foot), 1987; Csoori Sandor breviarium (includes prose; title means: Breviary), 1988; A vilag emlekmuvei (title means: Monuments of the World), 1989; Barbarian Prayer: Selected Poems, 1989; Selected Poems of Sandor Csoori, trans. L. Roberts, 1992. SCREENPLAYS: (with F. Kosa) Itelet (title means: Sentence), 1967; (with Kosa) Nincs ido (title means: There Is No Time), 1972; (with Kosa) Forradas (title means: Scars), 1972; (with S. Sara) 80 huszar (title means: Eighty Hussars), 1980; (with Sara) Tuske a korom alatt (title means: Thorn Under the Fingernail), 1987. FICTION: Faltol falig (title means: From Wall to Wall), 1969; Utazas, felalomban (title means: Journey While Half-Asleep), 1974; Iszapeso (title means: Mud-Rain), 1981. OTHER: Tudositas a toronybol (title means: Report from the Tower), 1963; Kubai naplo (title means: Cuban Diary), 1965; A kolto es a majompofa (title means: The Poet and the Monkey Face), 1966; Biztato (title means: Reassurance), 1973; Nomad naplo (title means: The Wanderer's Diary), 1979; (ed.) Szarny es piramis (title means: Wing and Pyramid), by L. Nagy, 1980; Tenger es diolevel (title means: The Sea and the Walnut Leaf), 1982; (ed.) Mert szemben ulsz velem (title means: Because You Sit Opposite Me), by G. Illyes, 1982; Keszulodes a szamadasra (title means: Preparation for the Day of Reckoning), 1987; Nappali hold (title means: Moon at Daylight), 1991. Address: c/o Magveto Konyvkiado, Vorosmarty ter 1, 1806 Budapest V, Hungary.

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