Crowe, Norman

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CROWE, Norman

CROWE, Norman. American, b. 1938. Genres: Architecture, Environmental sciences/Ecology, Urban studies. Career: Walter Weber, Architect and Lusk and Wallace Associates Architects, Colorado Springs, architect, 1964-66, 1967-68; Arkitekt I. Hammarskjold-Reiz and Stadsarkitektkontoret (Town Architect and Planning Agency), Lund, Sweden, architect, 1966-67; Anton J. Egner and Associates Architects, Ithaca, NY, architect, 1969-72; Ohio University, School of Architecture, assistant professor of architecture, 1972-74; University of Notre Dame, IN, School of Architecture, assistant professor of architecture, 1974-81, instructor in the Rome Studies Program in Italy, 1974-75, associate professor of architecture, 1981-93, director of graduate program in architecture, 1987-96, 2000-, professor of architecture, 1993-; self-employed architect and consultant, 1974-. Has taken part in group exhibitions; Guest lecturer at colleges and universities; speaker at professional conferences, etc. Publications: (with P. Laseau) Visual Notes: For Architects and Designers, 1984; Nature and the Idea of a Man-Made World: An Investigation into the Evolutionary Roots of Form and Order in the Built Environment, 1995; (ed. with R. Economakis and M. Lykoudis) Building Cities: Towards a Civil Society and a Sustainable Environment, 1999. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: School of Architecture, 110 Bond Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A. Online address: