Crider, (Allen) Bill(y)

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CRIDER, (Allen) Bill(y)

CRIDER, (Allen) Bill(y). Also writes as Nick Carter, Jack MacLane. American, b. 1941. Genres: Novels, Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Westerns/Adventure, Children's fiction. Career: Corsicana High School, Texas, teacher, 1963-65; Howard Payne University, Brownwood, TX, associate professor, 1971-76, professor and chair of English dept., 1977-83; Alvin Community College, Alvin, TX, chair of English dept., 1984-. Publications: WESTERN NOVELS: Ryan Rides Back, 1988; Galveston Gunman, 1988; A Time for Hanging, 1989; Medicine Show, 1990. CRIME NOVELS: (with J. Davis, as Nick Carter) The Coyote Connection, 1981; Too Late to Die, 1986; Shotgun Saturday Night, 1987; Cursed to Death, 1988; One Dead Dean, 1988; Death on the Move, 1989; Dying Voices, 1989; Evil at the Root, 1990. MYSTERIES: Blood Marks, 1991; Dead on the Island, 1991; Booked for a Hanging, 1992; Gator Kill, 1992; The Texas Capitol Murders, 1992; Murder Most Fowl, 1994; When Old Men Die, 1994; A Dangerous Thing, 1994. OTHER: (ed.) Mass Market American Publishing, 1982; A Vampire Named Fred (for children), 1990; (with W. Scott) Murder under Blue Skies, 1998. NOVELS AS JACK MacLANE: Keepers of the Beast, 1988; Goodnight Moom, 1989; Blood Dreams, 1989; Rest in Peace, 1990; Just Before Dark, 1990. Address: 1606 S. Hill, Alvin, TX 77511, U.S.A. Online address:

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