Craig, Gordon (Alexander)
CRAIG, Gordon (Alexander)
CRAIG, Gordon (Alexander). American (born Scotland), b. 1913. Genres: History, Military/Defense/Arms control, Politics/Government. Career: Sterling Professor Emeritus of Humanities, Stanford University, California, 1980- (Professor of History, 1961-69, Sterling Professor of Humanities, 1969-79). Professor, Free University, Berlin, 1962-. Instructor in History, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1939-41; Instructor to Professor of History, Princeton University, NJ, 1941-61. Visiting Professor, Columbia University, NYC, 1947-48, 1949-50. Guggenheim Fellow, 1969-70, 1982-83. Recipient: Goethe Medal, 1987; German-American Academic Council, Benjamin Franklin-Wilhelm von Humboldt Prize, 1999. Publications: (ed. with E.M. Earle and F. Gilbert) Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler, 1943; (co-author) The Second Chance: America and Peace, 1944; (ed. with Gilbert) The Diplomats 1919-1939, 1953; NATO and the New German Army, 1955; The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945, 1955; From Bismarck to Adenauer: Aspects of German Statecraft, 1958; Europe since 1815, 1961, 3rd. ed. 1971; The Battle of Koeniggraetz: Prussia's Victory over Austria 1866, 1964; War, Politics and Diplomacy: Selected Essays, 1966; (co-author) World War I: A Turning Point in Modern History, 1967; Military Policy and National Security, 1972; (ed.) History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century, 1975; (ed.) Economic Interest, Militarism and Foreign Policy: Essays of Eckart Kehr, 1977; Germany, 1866-1945, 1978; Germany and the West: The Ambivalent Relationship, 1982; The Germans, 1982; (with A.L. George) Force and Statecraft, 1983; The End of Prussia, 1984; The Triumph of Liberalism: Zurich in the Golden Age, 1830-1869, 1989; The Politics of the Unpolitical, 1995; Theodor Fontane, 1999; Politics and Culture in Modern Germany, 1999. Address: Dept of History, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. Online address: