
views 2,405,651 updated May 18 2018

cop / käp/ inf. • n. a police officer.• v. (copped, cop·ping) [tr.] 1. catch or arrest (an offender). ∎  incur (something unwelcome): the team's captain copped most of the blame. ∎  obtain (an illegal drug). ∎  steal. ∎  receive or attain (something welcome): she copped an award for her role in the film.2. strike (an attitude or pose): I copped an attitude—I acted real tough.PHRASES: cop a plea engage in plea bargaining.PHRASAL VERBS: cop out avoid doing something that one ought to do.cop2 • n. a conical or cylindrical roll of thread wound onto a spindle.


views 3,554,857 updated May 29 2018

Cop ★★½ 1988 (R)

Left by his wife and child, a ruthless and workobsessed detective goes after a twisted serial killer. Woods' exceptional ability to play sympathetic weirdos is diluted by a script—based on James Ellroys's novel “Blood on the Moon”—that warps the feminist theme, is violent, and depends too heavily on coincidence. 110m/C VHS, DVD . James Woods, Lesley Ann Warren, Charles Durning, Charles Haid, Raymond J. Barry, Randi Brooks, Annie McEnroe, Victoria Wauchope; D: James B. Harris; W: James B. Harris; M: Michel Colombier.


views 3,315,583 updated Jun 27 2018

cop (sl.) catch, capture. XVIII. prob. var. of cap arrest, seize (XVI) — OF. caper seize — L. capere take.
Hence cop, copper2 (-ER 1) policeman. XIX.


views 3,666,066 updated May 08 2018

COP (constant-offset profiling) See CONSTANT OFFSET.


views 3,707,494 updated May 11 2018

cop. Merlon. See battlement.

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