Conrad, Peter
CONRAD, Peter. American, b. 1945. Genres: Sociology. Career: Drake University, Des Moines, IA, assistant professor of sociology, 1975-78; Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, professor of sociology, 1979-. Gadjah Mada University, visiting scholar, 1989-90; McMaster University, Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor, 1992; Queen's University of Belfast, Distinguished Fulbright Scholar, 1997. Publications: Identifying Hyperactive Children, 1976; (with J.W. Schneider) Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness, 1980, rev. ed., 1992; Sociology of Health and Illness: Critical Perspectives, 1981, 6th ed., 2001; (with J.W. Schneider) Having Epilepsy, 1983; (with E. Gallagher) Health and Health Care in Developing Countries, 1993; (co-ed.) Handbook of Medical Sociology, 5th ed., 2000. Address: Department of Sociology, Brandeis University, MS-71, PO Box 9110, Waltham, MA 02454, U.S.A. Online address: