Conklin, John E.

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CONKLIN, John E. American, b. 1943. Genres: Art/Art history, Criminology/True Crime, Sociology. Career: Harvard Law School, Center for Criminal Justice, Cambridge, MA, research associate, 1969-70; Tufts University, Medford, MA, professor of sociology, 1970-. Publications: Robbery and the Criminal Justice System, 1972; The Impact of Crime, 1975; Illegal But Not Criminal: Business Crime in America, 1977; Criminology, 1981, 7th ed., 2001; Sociology: An Introduction, 1984, 1987; Art Crime, 1994. EDITOR: The Crime Establishment: Organized Crime and American Society, 1973; New Perspectives in Criminology, 1996. Address: Dept. of Sociology, Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, U.S.A. Online address:

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