Cones, John W.

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CONES, John W.

CONES, John W. American, b. 1945. Genres: Film, Philosophy. Career: Radio and television news reporter in Texas, 1968-74; association manager and lobbyist in Texas and Chicago, IL, 1974-80; securities lawyer in Houston, TX, 1981-86; attorney, writer, and lecturer in Los Angeles, CA, 1987-. University of California, Los Angeles, adjunct professor of film and television; lecturer at colleges and institutes. Publications: Film Finance and Distribution: A Dictionary of Terms, 1992; 43 Ways to Finance Your Feature Film: A Comprehensive Analysis of Film Finance, 1995; Film Industry Contracts, 1996; Hollywood Corruption, 1996; How the Movie Wars Were Won, 1996; Legacy of the Hollywood Empire, 1996; Movie Picture Biographies: The Hollywood Spin on Historical Figures, 1996; Motion Picture Industry Reform, 1996; Patterns of Bias in Motion Picture Content, 1996; Politics, Movies and the Role of Government, 1996; A Study in Motion Picture Propaganda: Hollywood's Preferred Movie Messages, 1996; Who Really Controls Hollywood?, 1996; What's Really Going on in Hollywood, 1997; The Feature Film Distribution Deal: A Critical Analysis of the Single Most Important Film Industry Agreement, 1997; The Book of Secular Wisdom, 2003. Address: 5325 Residencia, Newport Beach, CA 92660, U.S.A. Online address:;

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