Collette, Christine

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COLLETTE, Christine

COLLETTE, Christine. British, b. 1947. Genres: History, Women's studies and issues. Career: Local government officer in social services, 1964-80; Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Lancashire, England, reader, 1994-2002. Candidate for Parliament, 1987. Publications: For Labour and for Women: The Women's Labour League, 1906-1918, 1989; The International Faith: British Labour Attitudes to Europe 1918-1939, 1998. EDITOR: (with F. Montgomery) Into the Melting Pot: Teaching Women's Studies in the New Millennium, 1997; (with S. Bird) Jews, Labour and the Left, 2000. Contributor to anthologies and journals. Address: Chez Jean de Beaulieu, 16350 Chassiecq, France. Online address: