Clarke, Peter Frederick
CLARKE, Peter Frederick
CLARKE, Peter Frederick. British, b. 1942. Genres: Economics, Politics/Government. Career: Cambridge University, professor of modern British history, 1991-, master of Trinity Hall, 2000- (lecturer and reader, 1980-91). University College, London, lecturer and reader, 1966-80. Review ed. of history, 1967-73; St. John's College, Cambridge, fellow, 1980-2000. Publications: Lancashire and the New Liberalism, 1971; (ed.) Democracy and Reaction by L. T. Hobhouse, 1972; (ed.) The Crisis of Liberalism by J. A. Hobson, 1974; Liberals and Social Democrats, 1978; The Keynesian Revolution in the Making, 1924-36, 1988; A Question of Leadership: From Gladstone to Thatcher, 1991; Hope and Glory: Britain, 1900-1990, 1996, 2nd ed., 1900-2000, 2004; The Keynesian Revolution and Its Economic Consequences, 1998; The Cripps Version: The Life of Sir Stafford Cripps, 2002. Address: The Master's Lodge, Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ, England. Online address: