Christensen, Paul

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CHRISTENSEN, Paul. American, b. 1943. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Eastern Publishing Co., Alexandria, VA, associate ed., 1967-68; Texas A&M University, College Station, Dept. of English, professor, 1974-; Quartet mag., College Station, TX, poetry ed., 1975-77; Poetry Southwest, KAMU-FM, TX, host, 1976-86; Cedarshouse Press, Bryan, TX, ed. publisher, 1979-. Publications: Charles Olson: Call Him Ishmael (criticism), 1979; Signs of the Whelming, 1982; Gulfsongs, 1982; The Complete Correspondence of Charles Olson and Edward Dahlberg, 1990; Minding the Underworld: Clayton Eshleman and Late Postmodernism, 1991; West of the American Dream, 2001; The Mottled Air, 2003. POETRY: Old and Lost Rivers, 1977; The Vectory, 1983; Weights and Measures, 1985; Blue Alleys: Prose Poems, 2001. Address: Dept of English, Texas A&M University, 201C Blocker Bldg MS 4227, College Station, TX 77843-4227, U.S.A. Online address:

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Christensen, Paul

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Christensen, Paul