
views 1,724,732 updated Jun 08 2018

cav·al·ry / ˈkavəlrē/ • n. (pl. -ries) [usu. treated as pl.] hist. soldiers who fought on horseback. ∎ hist. a branch of an army made up of such soldiers. ∎  modern soldiers who fight in armored vehicles.DERIVATIVES: cav·al·ry·man / -mən/ n. (pl. -men) .


views 1,679,801 updated Jun 08 2018

cavalry Mounted troops. The ancient Egyptians first employed cavalry; the first use of cavalry in Europe dates from the invasions of the Huns, Magyars, and Mongols. The last prominent use of cavalry occurred in the American Civil War, although it was used early in World War I to disastrous effect.


views 1,441,970 updated Jun 11 2018

cavalry XVI (cavallerie). — F. cavallerie — It. cavalleria (corr. to F. chevalerie CHIVALRY), f. cavallo :- L. caballus; see CAVALCADE and -ERY, -RY.


views 3,522,498 updated May 29 2018

Cavalry ★½ 1936

A Union Army Lieutenant is reunited with his family after the Civil War, bringing them happiness and joy. 60m/B VHS . Bob Steele, Frances Grant, Karl Hackett, Hal Price; D: Robert North Bradbury.


views 1,883,645 updated May 29 2018


views 1,849,150 updated May 23 2018


horses or horsemen collectively; horse soldiers collectively as contrasted with infantry, 1591.

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