Carroll, Matthew S.

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CARROLL, Matthew S.

CARROLL, Matthew S. American, b. 1955. Genres: Environmental sciences/Ecology. Career: Black Hills National Forest, Rapid City, SD, seasonal forestry aide, 1975; U.S. Forest Service, Northeast Forest Experiment Station, Hamden, CT, research technician at Forest Insect and Disease Laboratory, 1976-77; University of Washington, Seattle, instructor in forest resources, 1982, Resources for the Future fellow in forest economics and policy, 1982-83, research analyst in Cooperative Park Studies Unit, College of Forest Resources, 1983-85; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, postdoctoral research associate, 1985-87; Washington State University, Pullman, assistant/associate professor of natural resource sciences and assistant/associate resource sociologist, 1987-. Consultant to President Clinton's Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team and Upper Columbia Basin Ecosystem Assessment Team. Publications: Community and the Northwestern Logger: Continuities and Change in the Era of the Spotted Owl, 1995. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: Department of Natural Resource Sciences, 123 Johnson Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, U.S.A. Online address:

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Carroll, Matthew S.

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