Carbone, Elisa Lynn

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CARBONE, Elisa Lynn

CARBONE, Elisa Lynn. American. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Education. Career: Full-time writer; visiting author at public and private schools, libraries, and conferences, 1993-. Publications: My Dad's Definitely not a Drunk, 1992; Corey's Story: Her Family's Secret, 1997; Teaching Large Classes: Tools and Strategies, 1998; Starting School with an Enemy, 1998; Stealing Freedom, 1998; Sarah and the Naked Truth, 2000; Storm Warriors, 2001; The Pack, 2003. Address: c/o Crown & Knopf Books for Young Readers, 1745 Broadway 9th Fl, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Online address:

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